Our Congregation has many ways in which our hands are at work throughout the year sharing God's Love in the world: Here are just a few of them.
*Advent Stockings: Members stuff over 40 over-sized stockings with winter clothing items. These items are blessed during the Christmas season then given out Free to our homeless community.
*2024 Easter Project: Backpacks for Refugees and new socks for Homeless: Donations throughout the Season of Lent as well as a special offering on Easter Sunday is being collected and 100% of the proceeds raised go directly towards purchasing new backpacks and school supplies for newly arriving children through Inspiritus as well as new socks to be given to our homeless population. See the pictures above!
*Inspiritus Clothing Closet: ROA provides 3 rooms for Inspiritus to operate a Clothing Closet for refugees. Most all refugees arrive in America with only the clothes on their backs. When Inspiritus caseworkers and support staff pick up refugees from the airport, ROA is their first stop so they can be given Free clothing for their family members. We also provide blankets/household goods dependent upon donations given at any given time.
*Health Care Kits: Members donate items to make hundred/s of small health care kits each year for our homeless community. These kits are given out periodically throughout the year.
*Souper Bowl of Caring: A special offering at the close of the worship service is collected each year in Soup Pots on Super Bowl Sunday. 100% of the money collected supports our Memorial Drive Hunger Ministry Program. This program was created over 25 years ago with a simple prayer from a single youth group in Columbia, SC: "Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat." Let's tackle hunger together! IN 2024 we raised just under $4,000.00!
*Stitches Of Love: Members who knit, crochet, sew, cross stitch or quilt items that are given out to other members who are home-bound, are coping with prolonged health issues or who have recently had a child. (See picture below of recently donated lap quilts made by a member of our congregation.)
Please see the sub-tabs under this Ministry Page for More Information about ADDITIONAL Ministry Programs here at the Rock!