Our members donate food and pantry items for the Stone Mountain Ecumenical Ministries Food Pantry as an ongoing Ministry throughout the year. The 4th Sunday of each month is designated as Harvest of Hope Sunday.
In 2024 we are thrilled to share that we collected and donated 7000 pounds of food!
We tripled our annual goal! We are well on our way to meet that goal again this year and are continuing to donate regularly to this important local Food Pantry to help many people in our wider Stone Mountain community. THANK YOU to the community partners that dropped off donations all year long!
If you would like to donate food items we accept non-perishable foods such as: canned fruits canned vegetables cereal, oatmeal, grits spaghetti sauce & noodles canned tuna dry milk peanut butter & jelly canned soups rice macaroni & cheese. Needed pantry items include dish washing liquid, bars of soap, laundry detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, diapers and feminine products.
Please drop off your items Sunday through Friday from 12 noon to 1230pm when someone will be at the church handing out meals and tell the ROA person you meet that it is for the Harvest of Hope Program. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR FOOD DONATION OUTSIDE THE DOORS OF THE BUILDING or they will be immediately stolen. Please ensure the dates have not expired on your food items.